Holiday Snaps – Part 1

We recently had a few days in Cairns, Australia. So I thought I’d share some of our holiday snaps with you. You’re welcome! haha

So, our first day out that didn’t involve several hours in a mall, was a trip on the Skyrail. This was a pretty amazing day actually. We drove from Cairns, north to Smithfield where the Skyrail is situated. This is the Skyrail:

A picture of the Sky Rail

The start of it anyway. It’s the longest one I’ve ever seen. It goes for 7.5 km over the canopy of Queensland’s beautiful world heritage listed rainforest. The views are breath-taking.


Yep, we’re going all the way up there, and much further! The ride is in three stages, with stops in between. The first stop is at Red Peak. You have to get out of your cable car, and into another one for the rest of the journey. But while you are there you can take a wee walk through some of the rainforest. They even provide a guide to point out things of interest.

This is where I inadvertently offended one of the guides. Because of my slight disability I can’t walk very far easily, so I asked a guide what we would see on this walk. I wanted to know if it was worth me enduring the pain I’d inevitably be in if I went along. So I asked if all there was to look at was more bush. Cos, you know, we have tons of that at home in New Zealand.

He gave me a look that was somewhere between pained and horrified and exclaimed “Not bush, (looking down his nose at me), Rainforest!” I knew I’d been told! I was obviously just another ignorant tourist who couldn’t tell the difference between bush and rainforest.

I tucked my tail between my legs and meekly tagged along behind.

It was actually quite interesting, this walk. The trees and under growth were different from what we had at home. I’ve been in the New Zealand bush quite often, but I can’t say I’ve ever seen any growths quite as creepy as this one:

creepy arm tree

Why is that tree with dreadlocks reaching out and grabbing that younger tree?

We might only have “bush” in New Zealand, but our trees know how to behave. Know what I’m sayin?

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