Aging Sucks B*lls, But It’s Not All Bad!
As aging bloggers go, I’m probably the most sporadic poster of them all. I could win awards for “least active blogger in the universe”! Yeah, I’m that bad! In fact, I’ve been so absent for the past few years that you could say I’m not a blogger at all. I’m more of a wannabe blogger.
I want to write.
I want to be funny.
I also want to be young and beautiful, and that’s not happening either!
It seems that the older I get the more new things I want to try. But, there’s a paradox – the older I get the less physical ability and less energy I have to actually get out and try them.
Aging sucks balls. It’s certainly not for wimps. It brings out the rebel in me.
You know how when you are sick, lying on the couch under a snuggly, nose dripping, throat rasping, temperature soaring, all you can think about is all the chores you could be getting done around the house. Then you get better, and post flu amnesia sets in. What chores?
Old age is like that, except there’s no getting better. It’s terminal. You still see all the stuff you want to do, but you know you’re never going to get well enough to do forget them.
And instead of chores, you dream about all the places you’d like to travel to. The hobbies you’d like to take up or the classes you’d like to attend to learn new skills you’re never going to use, cos, you know, you’re past it. I even wonder, in my most crazy moments, if I’d ever get hired for my dream job, (if I knew what that would be). Then I look in the mirror and think “Whoa mama, you’re pretty much past being hired for anything. Ever.”!
I’m not complaining about that mind you. It has it’s upside. It’s silver lining. Now I work for myself. I do what I love, when I want to do it. And occasionally I even actually get paid for it. Bonus!
The rebel part of me creeps out constantly. It whispers it’s siren song in my ear.
“You’re not to old to do these things!”;
“You’re not too old to learn new skills.”.
“You’re not too old to wear high heals.”;
“You’re not too old to colour your hair.”,
“You’re not to old to wear a mini skirt.” Wait! What? Definitely too old for that one! Freezing my arse off while emotionally crippling small children for life is definitely not going to happen!
“You’re not too old to travel.”
So, in the spirit of agreeing that I’m not too old for a lot of good things, I’m currently shopping for a Motor Home. A converted bus type motor home to be exact. I also plan to learn to drive it and get the appropriate licence. Leisurely travel here we come! I might even have more time to write while on the road. Or I might just sit back with a glass of wine and enjoy the sunset!
What do you do to conquer your aging blues? Do you have a bucket list? Do you travel? Let me know in the comments below. I’d love to hear from you!
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