Yearly Archives: 2016
Well, it’s been a while. And with Christmas on the doorstep, it’s not going to get any less busy for some time. I saw this in the Business Insider the other day and wanted to share it with you because it all rang true for me. I hope […]
To anybody who watched television that day, who saw those planes slam into the twin towers, or who saw the people who jumped, falling, and heard the sound they made when they hit the pavement, the world will never be the same. It changed, irrevocably, that day. 9/11. […]
By: Vikki Clafli August 9, 2016 at Better After 50 When asked about the definition of “Karma,” most people would say it means “You get what you give,” or “You get what you deserve.” And, of course, the ever-popular “Karma’s only a bitch if you are.” The idea […]
Reality television is now an established staple of the American viewing diet. Although many can’t understand why anyone would want their dirty laundry and bad behavior exposed for the world to see, it’s obvious the reality TV industry has an unlimited pool of talent (?) from which to […]